Friday, September 01, 2006


To choose activities or a states of mind, (this can be maybe an affirmation or a constant image in my mind) that I will concentrate only and exclusively during that day and will help me achieve my goals.

I have put this categories in order of importance TO ME, (IF YOU’D LIKE TO FOLLOW THIS PROGRAM YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE ORDER DEPENDING ON YOUR VERY OWN SCALE OF VALUES. Most important at the begining less important at the end)

Day 1 (in my case) will be for be for “Health and Well Being” as Day 12 will be for “Relationship” This will give my first selection the chance to be worked for 30 days and reviewed twice on day 13 and day 25, and my last selection (as important as the first but with less prerogative) will be worked 18 days and reviewed only once more.
Of course this can be a way of life and continue it for as long as I want. This is the TEST now, to change my life.


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