Sunday, September 20, 2009

12 Days of Change

12 Days of Change

A documented process of transformation that is undertaken by one or more individuals with the deep desire of a better understanding and awareness of who we really are, in relation to each other and One-self.

Documenting the daily process of 12 days of transformation. This will include all the knowledge gathered during the years and the newly acquired ones in the moment to moment experience.

Making sure of being honest at all times and clear on the wording. For is the intention of this blog to be open and free of limitations.

Everyday researching new teachers, new teachings, new yoga exercises, new meditations and placing them in this website.

Open to dialog and committed to change, this is an invitation to experiment a new way of transmutation... With your Soul.


DAY 1: CREATION - Space is created.

DAY 2: OBSERVATION - Listen to your thoughts without engaging with them

DAY 3: QUESTIONING - The Art of Letting Go

DAY 4: INNOCENCE - The Art of Acceptance

DAY 5: RESOURCEFULNESS - The Art of inventing Yourself

DAY 6: FORGIVENESS - The Art of Love I

DAY 7: COMPASSION - The Art of Love II *Interview with a Demon*

DAY 8: TOLERANCE - The Art of Love III *Article by Tom Gilbert*

DAY 9: RESILIENCE - The Power to Recover

DAY 10: TRUST - The Power of Belief

DAY 11: DREAMS - The Power of Creation

DAY 12: BECOMING - The Power of Being

Step by step teachings from the Universe and Beyond, with only one...

OBJECTIVE : The realization and experience of Oneness with All

Love will live forever

Eduardo Blanco

Thank You



The realization that WE ARE ALL ONE



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