Sunday, April 13, 2008

The EdB Chronicles, an HIV Stumble

TO VISIT: The EdB's HIV Chronicles website CLICK HERE

Here you'll be able to follow the days and weeks after the "Big News" when I realize there is no killing virus, but killing treatments, ideas and life-styles.
2 years after been given a positive diagnosis, I decided to stop dying and start living.... The story of my life and ONE big decision.

I now believe that HIV is NOT the cause of Aids; A death sentence given with the promise of a not too bad future with the help of a chemotherapy like treatment that kills faster than it heals.

After so many days and nights into the deepest depression I've known. Where my career, my love life, my life at whole ended. I Needed to die to realize that no diagnosis was going to kill me. Strogle, until that faithful moment when I found out about the "Big News" and with that I got my life and the control over my own health back to me.

My intention with this is just to show that it can be done and is POSSIBLE to be 100% healthy... I don't mean FEEL healthy but to BE... Not mambo-jambo, no pills, no treatments, but reality and that's what I'm planning to do to prove with facts the truth about HIV/AIDS.


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